Company held payments from 12-1-11, 2-26-12, and 6-15-12, did not apply payments to my account, stated they never received the payments in order to create a late condition to move forward with forecloser.I have all documentation. He demanded to know why it wasnt in on the 1st. The home was a 2004 model but they sold a 1998 heat and air unit instead problems with vanderbilt mortgage of a 2004 and there is nothing we can do but keep fixing the unit. It is now over 10 years old and I am still fighting to get this negative information removed from my credit. While we are always in the process of upgrading, our search results may not return all reports.
I admit that we feel like ** parents that we get behind but we dont need our mortgage company to tell us how sorry we are. Bargain checks large selection of quality bargain checks off bank. They put the toilets back problems with vanderbilt mortgage down with no wax rings. Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance may be willing to work with the customer if they contacted us to review the account further.
Vanderbilt University, located in Nashville, Tenn., is a private research university and medical center offering a full-range of undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees. Vanderbilt University is committed to principles of equal opportunity and affirmative action. They were extremely rude when only a few days late. After more than one conversation with them about this, they are still doing it. We borrowed from everyone and called and explained; unfortunately, that wasn't good enough. I am 12 days late on my loan payment - 12 days late.
Commercial Rates LoanThey need to pay me back the overpayment amount. Fidelity s american express rewards credit cards allow you to earn cash rewards. Vanderbilt Mortgage has the most ruthless and the nastiest people (Loan Officers/Collection Reps) working for them. Included will be the statement of intention where the Debtor's chose problems with vanderbilt mortgage to reaffirm, the discharge notice and the report of no distribution. How can they honestly say that we didn't want to keep our home when the economy was good and the payments were being made. I have a daughter and paid the mortgage bi-weekly of $212.00 for ten years now. And here we are a week later, my bank should have nothing to do with anything because now they have both of my payments and they have both cleared my bank so they should just be able to refund my money, but they continue to argue with me on this. An amortization schedule has been ordered and will be mailed to their address of record. Well it took a couple months to really feel the floors going. Like others, we've been told to borrow the money. This document is being sample of loan agreement provided to service. Company not applying payments to loan when sent.Company losing payments and or holding payments to create a late condition in order to foreclose. I have not been able to find another job as of now. Well, minor repairs had to be done and the repairman usually came late and had me on a few times sign the work order he forgot this and that. Going back to 2011 the communication with the customer has been their repeated requests for additional assistance and Vanderbilt's attempts to make payment arrangements. I was told that in order for me to make an extra payment, I had to send in a special coupon to a different address. Every time the problem wasn't fixed, I would call until someone would come out. I do not understand what their response is. I don't know if they thought I was going to meekly give in to that kind of abuse, but if they did, they were sadly mistaken. The salesman told me my house payment would be $575, a lie. This is, by far, one of my worst mistakes. Idbi bank provides commercial property purchase loans ranging from lakhs to. Two versions of a letter from the bank were received between October 30th and November 7th without the necessary wording for the guarantee of funds. Allstate provides homeowners insurance 19 mobile home insurance for manufactured homes. Locate bank owned reo properties and listings on the original biggerpockets. I am paying late due to previous stroke issues and recent surgery and forced retirement because of these medical problems. I was promised that they would hold up any legal action until the end of December. My husband & I have been told by them that we do not care about our family, that if we did, we'd make our house payment. 
She had some cash that was left to her and that's all they wanted. Definitions | BBB Complaint Process | File a Complaint. We were told to try and find a job to help make ends meet. I strongly believe that all of us complainants should file a class action lawsuit. When I was late in the past, even 1 day late, a woman named Melissa problems with vanderbilt mortgage would call and she would be really rude and hateful. I have a complaint against Vanderbilt Bank. That would be a lot better than having to deal with these idiots. During the final conversation on 3/27/2013 he indicated that he had received the refund check and was satisfied with the conclusion of the transaction. I would also like to add problems with vanderbilt mortgage on an old complaint. Before the payment was even due, they were calling not only me but our neighbors and family members and discussing things with them. They told me I needed to continue to pay my house notes. So almost year and half later, it happened my house burned down and I lost everything. I have never been more than 15 days late on my payment due to the fact that I only get paid once a month and it happens to fall on the 15th of the month. I was treated like I was delinquent problems with vanderbilt mortgage for several months. I was told by a customer service member that there was no magic way for me to make extra payments. My blood pressure has been so high from all this stress. This loan is active and subject to normal collections. Their website is down and can't get the payoff loan amount now. When I moved out after paying on the 7-year loan for 4.5 years, I was told that they would try to sell my home for what I owed and that all I had to do was sign it over to them. I did not co-sign for the mortgage but, on 2/14/2013, the sheriff showed up at my mom's trailer to serve papers. We've been sent certified letters saying send a certain amount by a certain time & we always have. A reaffirmation agreement was filed on 4/2/2002, before the case was discharged. Insurance and finance company together problems with vanderbilt mortgage they get away with scams on people. The side effect of the extra payments was that it messed up the schedule of the drafted payments. Let my team and i make your online bankruptcy filing as smooth as silk.
Financing On Bad CreditThe problem got worse until I got someone in to look at it. I don't understand what the problem is here and we have begged you all to come and get the property but you refuse to do so. My husband & I have both accumulated a problems with vanderbilt mortgage lot of medical bills over the last year. The policy they advised me to get now didn't pay for hotel and it was an act from congress to cut the few checks they did. They will call you everyday and sometimes more than one time a day. She took the next draft payment, took it off, and used it all for the principal balance. The economy was slowing down then and I was trying to recover from not finding work prior to the last assignment. Correct me if I am wrong, but I was told that once the loan was paid off, the bank has to send me whatever the amount is in the escrow account. If you are an attorney helping victims, the media, or law-enforcement, please contact us to have us run a complete database search to help your case or story. I sometimes have to pay half a payment one payday and the other 1/2 the second payday, as my husband gets paid every 2 weeks. If I only knew what I was getting myself into.
Refinance 80 20 MortgageI had someone in and they put the wax rings in as well as gave me an estimate on the repairs. Well, it turned out that while putting in new floor coverings, they took up the toilets to do a good job. I never knew when the next problems with vanderbilt mortgage draft would take place. I have requested help and have given fin. I live on Long Island, New York, and in the midst of super storm Sandy, they could not have cared less. They talk down to you, making you feel worthless. 
My mom did not have an estate or any funds at her death. We had been in the home for approximately three weeks when we found out the loan was in arrears for two months. The codes that govern the construction of modular homes are exactly the same. I was instructed to go to the DMV in order to get the lien taken off. Payment arrangements were made and I was working 12 hours a day. On this coupon, it says "Your account will automatically draft as agreed. I'm so sorry for everyone who has posted complaints with this company but it is good to know that "we" are not the only ones to be harassed by this company. Wow, until today, I thought I was the only one that felt this way about Vanderbilt Mortgage. They were supposed to report this on my credit. I would answer their calls at first but after talking with them, I would be so upset that I couldn't do anything else.
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Russ Wermers
University of Maryland
We sent them in like half of a payment because we couldnt send the full amount and they sent it back to us yesterday.
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They have no remorse at all for anyone - no matter what the circumstance. Theyve sent a guy out to our home several times to take pics & be sure that we are not abusing the home. I really dont think that these people are caring enough, and are a bunch of greedy and heartless thugs. Instead, it was used as an actual payment and the regular payment was not drafted out. No one in Legal Services answered so we've been really problems with vanderbilt mortgage worried & concerned about what this means. She also asked a lot of personal questions, none of which were any of her business. They lied to get us to get the home and refuse to help when we get behind.
I bought my trailer when I was 27 and a single mother.
My payment is due on the first - it’s late any day after the first but there are no late fees. Someone is all steamed up today, making life difficult. Questioning me, making me feel like a dog - all because I wanted to make a payment. Vanderbilt still used it as a customer payment and did not take out the drafted payment as they were supposed to.
The company refused to provide the information.
I could understand if they couldnt reach me and I was several months behind. I could understand some directness if we were 5 or 6 payments behind and had no way of paying our mortgage, but being no more than 10-15 days late due to our paydays falling the way they do is pure crazy, and they knew this at the time of purchase and wouldnt change our due date. Mind you, you might decide that its more than your life is worth to say so because youll only get an earful. As long as they receive their money, thats all that matters. These are the most rude and impolite people I have ever dealt with.
Smart Money Week
I really thought I was doing something good for my children but, let me tell you, Vanderbilt doesnt care at all what your situation is, they just want their money.
So we have gotten behind on some payments before. In March of 2012, my husband and I moved into a dream home that was owned by his cousin and her husband but financed through Vanderbilt Mortgage. Vanderbilt will not respond to them or to me.
The University Forum
I have requested and am requesting this be deleted from my credit immediately, but every person I have corresponded with seems to never take care of the issue even though they stated it would be taken care of. These reviews are provided for businesses that are BBB accredited and also for businesses that are not BBB accredited. Upon reviewing the communication between our customer and Vanderbilt, it has been determined that no request for an amortization schedule has been documented. They dont care what you are going through - they just want their money.
This company is ripping off honest, hardworking people and its a disgrace to us as Americans. Which is funny, because Ive always paid between the 1st and the 10th without any problems from them.
We are in process of obtaining a copy of the reaffirmation and will send it to our customer once received. The additional content and services are typically regional in nature or, in some cases, a new product or service that is being tested prior to a more general release. They threaten to take our home, told me to have a yard sale and sell our furniture and belongings, and told me to borrow money from anyone.
