For the first year or so our son was alive we had to make choices of bills or meds. And don’t act like you all are not using the “government” and “lawmakers’ to your benefit as well. Since they are not based in the US you loans from 850 to 10,000 have no obligation to pay them back. In the end, they had her SO terrified that she gave them her cc info, and approved them to take 356 dollars. Get off the welfare train, quit blaming old white men on your problems, pull your baggy ass pants up, and get a job.
Thank God that the loan company I took my loan out with was local and a US company so that my payments were $112 a month. One or more of the calculators here show amortization calculators monthly or biweekly changes in interest. I am actually a bill collector for a major credit card company that doesn’t charge high interest overall.
I make a very nice sum of money for my work, loans from 850 to 10,000 and live an extremely posh lifestyle. Young Native Americans are being disserviced by their own kind. Western Sky is not the answer for you and I understand the desperation, all of the payday loan companies are very expensive, Western Sky being the absolute worse. I have never gone a day in my life without work. This type of loan is one that you take ONLY if you have a plan to pay it back in a lump sum rather quickly. Anything would be better than giving business to a money hungry company like Western Sky. Western Sky would charge someone almost double that, transfer it to Cash Call for servicing. The loan fee is just the loans from 850 to 10,000 FEE for taking the loan. The new loan company that the loan was sold to has to have your written consent to their policies and therefore can be held liable in the state courts for theft and fraud. I think that I will write a point Paper to the US Congress and report this. No wonder why this company can afford to advertise nationaly on tv. Cause if you had credit you can go to a bank and get a personal loan with a real apr most likely under 10% and if your not living paycheck to paycheck you don’t need a loan for 2grand. OK I’ve read enough… I’ll struggle just a little while longer. They said it would basically be $10 a day interest which makes me sick but I don’t know where else to go.
Stop Payday Advances SoonSo if I ask that we stop the discrimination based on the color of ones skin, and voice our opinions based on facts, and for all loans from 850 to 10,000 my white american sister and brother’s,forget what you have been told, about us, and please conduct your own research. First off we know that firms like this aren’t marketing to individuals who will pay it right back in two weeks; that’s never the way it goes. For all of you who have recommended that NO loans from 850 to 10,000 ONE go to these people…I thank you. Dude why don’t you just go to a real bank. The only reason why someone couldn’t use a credit card or take out a loan with a more reasonable interest rate is because they’ve already maxed out their credit or have terrible credit as a result of not being able to pay off debt. I suggest that all you people take a quick course on budgeting. The government is supposed to help but the screening process is really something else. Lists banks to consider if you have non chexsystems banks a negative chexsystems record. I was denied a loan from these scammers and loans from 850 to 10,000 got a loan from my local bank instead. Unlike their casino ventures where you are actually going onto land they own and operate you are still bound by your state’s laws. If you want people to post positive about YOUR company then you need better business practices. If you don’t like how much you are going to end up paying; increase your monthly payment. I’ve been reading over the reviews, mostly because I was thinking it was impossible that they charge you over 80% of interest on a $10,000 loan. If american laws don’t apply here, then they can’t touch you either. In less than two months I had to pay my medicare and they took an extra 100 out one month because they pay ahead. Real money is transmitted to bank accounts of US citizens. I was in a crunch for a fast 4K loan…I applied, confirmed my identity, faxed a couple of pay stubs,etc….and my 4K was in my account the next day….The company is very gracious and treats you with respect. I did not want to borrow money, but when I saw the outrageous interest rates, I decided to check out their website.
Sample Loan LettersWhatever the reason, say no next time and either do without it or find a way to get what you are looking for in a legal and honest manner. Offering “quick cash” through a tough time. You re worried that your debt is too high, consolidate your credit and you ve decided to do something. These people can say what they want, but when they break the law, the feds will come after them. If you credit is already screwed then just go for it you will sleep better at night. Wow this is ridiculous I work for a bank,and have seen customers get money wired from western sky I feel really bad for them now that I seen what there gonna pay back. 
That argument is nearly irrelevant to me. I can’t beleive people are criticizing this company and expect companies and governments to “look out” for consumers. Promise, I would get the money and show them what I am capable of to prevent them from getting a dime. Everyone out there who is thinking about this, don’t do it. They did send out a correspondence letter shortly after thanking me for applying. It is better to take out a loan with a bank, credit union, or cash advance on your credit card, heck even pawn stuff you have rather then go to this place. Some help or suggestions would be wonderful if this place still would take huge advantage of us even in a short term thing.
Mckinney Rent To Own HomesIts almost IMPOSSIBLE to repay the loan unless you repay it in 30-60 days. Why do you think the government is now monitoring the white-owned loan companies. I have been trying to complete the loan with Western Sky and now all of a sudden the wiring process is the cause that the money has not hit my account yet. Part of the “Western Sky” agreement contains a clause in which the borrower waives all rights to a trial, any lawsuits, or any form of court hearings/decisions regarding the loan. Western Sky and many businesses alike should be ashamed of themselves. And yes, sometimes you work to get out, only to find those hard times again, but then you start slowing digging back in again. His first and most important suggestion was to write our elected representatives, both congressman and senator. If anyone is that desperate for money just get an extra job. You would make the least 486/mo for 84 months. They are designed to squeeze as much money out of the borrower as possible. Flat rock inn, tug hill, campgrounds, quad mobile homes in n y snowmobiling, atv, races, lodging,. People who fall into the scams and the OMG what am I going to do when loans from 850 to 10,000 something happens gets sucked in by these type of Lending Practices. Should You Ever Get One.” for more info. They pray on people with bad credit, I will never recommend them to anyone. Solutionsplus computer loans and computers easy credit laptop financing products with. No that 18 year old needs some serious education if he cant add or multiply… This is coming from a 22 year old. Also, in a recent article I read that they are a part of CashCall which is skating around the law by (abusing) using the Indian nations for their scams. I called the customer service number with WesterSky to speak with someone else to see what the delay was and I spoke with a guy who only ask for my first and last name, and he said the deposit was made. Also, when asked to explain why these loans are sold so quickly, an individual is only told to read their loan agreement. I am currently trying to teach democrats and republicans to respond to each other this way. So what we want is total protection from anyone or anything which will then allow us to go on being stupid. Business letter examples for a variety free sample business letter of business and employment related. But…… No one is making anyone sign the contract. Like, if they sue me for the money, would I be protected by my government. Oh my Dave, seems like someone has sparked your flame. I am about ready to cancel my request since nothing has hit my account and ride my urgent situation out. To those of you that said that people who are unemployed and are (basically) irresponsible, scum, not loans from 850 to 10,000 wanting to pay our bills, that are the ones who want to use this service… you are wrong.
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Russ Wermers
University of Maryland
This loan, while expensive, will save my behind until October.
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They still check your credit rating in order for you to obtian a loan. Whatever we do for the love of Pete let’s not blame ourselves. These commercials irritate the heck out of me. This will ONLY last 7 months… This will leave us about a grand total of $1000 a month to pay bills. It tells you on the website that Western Sky is not affiliated with the Sioux tribe, but is run by an individual. This kind of lending is outrageious and no one should be wrapped up in such lending.
How many fees would we rack up in a short term loan like that with them.
This is not a review of the company who is ripping people off as they(company) tells you upfront that they(company) are ripping you off. It is obvious to me, that most of you really don’t know your own history, based on your comments, it appears, that you are simply following the crowd who obviously has a bias against Native and African Americans. These “loans” are designed to force you to use them in perpetuity. Well, today is Saturday and I still do not receive the loan amount promised to me in my account; has anyone else experienced this or currently going through the same situation.
I think most of the people using this company will take the loan and never pay it back.
What happens if you don’t pay them back. We have talked numerous times about forgetting about his disability but do we really want to take a chance that he will become paralyzed by doing anything extra. I know it was 6 years ago but minw was in the mid 600′s and they wouldnt give me 4k with out putting up my car. Think about it…if u had 350.00 would YOU lend them to some random person halfway across the country from you without getting anything in return except their “word” that they will pay you back. Has it occurred to anyone that these loans are taken-out at some of the most desperate moments of a person’s life.
Smart Money Week
Remember, they’re a sovereign nation.
Let me tell you what you and YOUR company is doing is wrong. This means that if you borrow $5,000 from Western Sky at 116.73% APR and take the full 84 months to pay it back, you will have paid $35,872.72 in interest. Just be glad you DIDN’T take out the loan.
The University Forum
I’m sure they are protected against those that do not pay back. At an SKY-HIGH rate they should be more flexible about what account they try to deposit to” so Spoke with Chris a Sup. The money is expensive,,,,, for them to give it to us for free. BTW, I do not now, nor ever have I had, any affiliation with this or any other high risk lender.
If you don’t have a perfect rating. Most banks are willing to do personal loans for people for any reason and with not so good credit and you don’t have to worry about paying it off in 2 months.
Unlike credit cards where you can ride something out for a year and not be charged an OUTRAGEOUS sum of money, you must urgently need this money and know for certain that withing a very short amount of time that you will be able to pay back the whole loan within a very short amount of time. Your a fool for not doing your research on a company before doing business with them. So if you wanted to take out 1000.00 they charge you a 500.00 fee which is seperate from the interest.
