I did try to work with my bank as well CITYMORTGAGE and nothing.…I will definetely advice to everybody here is to stop playing with these banks and get a lawyer. Why didnt that money go to home owners who are in default or behind on payments. If you are represented by an attorney, please have government loan mod your lawyer submit this request on your behalf. Footnote 1 The relocation assistance payment is calculated based on the appraised value of the homeowners property. My wife passed away after a long bout with cancer.
My husband is self employed and had surgery a while back which caused us to get behind on our mortgage. Dec home ownership in east los angeles, looking for rent to own ca hey my name is cindy and iam. We will review your situation, confirm that you meet the requirements government loan mod for this program and then send you a financial information packet. My loan is not thru Fannie May or Freddie Mac so therefore no bailouts for me.
You'll want to make sure that the payment amount is sustainable over the long run - and an updated budget is an effective way to do this. You can file an escalated case with us if you have reason to believe any of the following are true. I think what thenbanks do is wait till your so far behind that they can foreclose on you so they can get their money from u by force rather than what “Obama gave them as a bailout” form of kindness. Results for houses for sale in cebu city philippines. If your loan payment does not currently include a portion of your property taxes and homeowners insurance, this will be added to your monthly payment. If I didn’t have a family to care for I would take a gas nap. As you enter a process that can sometimes be overwhelming, it would be in your best interest to engage a housing expert to help you along the way. I guess medical bills and 6 weeks of no pay on top of some other things does not qualify. Now it’s the choice between Chap 13, Chap 7, trying to get lower modification since interest rate are low. Making your payments on a timely basis is essential because it shows us you can afford the modified payments, and it is required for a permanent loan modification. Please note that if a third party, such as an advisor or a nonprofit advocate, contacts us to submit an escalated case on your behalf, we must have your written authorization before we can communicate with them about you or your loan. I have been unemployed on and off and during my unemployment it become very difficult for me to keep up with mortgage and other payments. Be sure to sign and return your completed forms and documents to us as soon as possible. Finally in Jan 2010 I contacted Sen Bill Nelson for help. What do I do if my loan is not thru a bank and it is a mortgage broker. This is done through an escrow account specifically set up to collect the funds for your taxes and insurance. The attached file contains a sample unsecured free promissory note form promissory note that can be. I guess this qualifies for the old “Bah Humbug” statement. WHO is the investor of this loan program. BOA is saying that after 1 modification in Oct 2007 and again in Aug 2008 that he does not qualify for another one. The Obama program criteria is great, its the banks that are not working with the program, and dont care if you lose you home especially if it has any equity in it. Jun earlier this year, the obama administration how much money does the bank make off fha streamline loans came out with a program that would. How to write a landlord s lease free mo rental agreement agreement in missouri for free. If at all the investor is not in the US, and we can tell right away who it is, then you wont be elible for the Modification – because outside the US, the investors dont have to modifiy anything here in the US after they used their money to close our loans. You'll be able to see where you may be spending too much and government loan mod identify specific areas where you may be able to cut back. My husband had 2 heartattacks last summer within 2 weeks, Wells Fargo is saying the investor is refusing. Join the club, we’re all in the same boat together, and those people that are just walking away even though they can afford their payments, are ruining it for those that are truly in need of assistance. In addition, you may be eligible for financial assistance of $3,000-30,000en_disclamer_3to3K for moving, rental, and relocation expenses. If Bank of America is your lender, call us. At the bottom of the page it would let me know according to the criteria set by the bank – NOT the Obama program but the banks themselves. Suposidly if they do…they have the ability to report it back to the government. Can ANYONE suggest ANYONE I can call to try to help save his home. If documents are missing, your Customer Relationship Manager will contact you to tell you what information you need to send us. We cannot evaluate you for a trial modification without all of your required documentation. Time to call a lawyer the only way to get anywhere in america. If you qualify for the program, you will enter a trial period of at least 3 months. If you are eligible for an amount above the $3,000 HAFA relocation assistance, the additional amount will be paid you. In addition, once your loan is permanently modified, your new monthly government loan mod payments could be higher than your Trial Period Plan payments. Obama put it out there to use, but the banks tweek and raise the criteria so most that are elible wont be anymore when the bank is done with them. 
I’m currently getting my teaching degree, a year and half away from that goal. So we are trying to stay afloat and pay our bills, but everything is just messed up. This is our estimate of what your payments would be if your loan is permanently modified. I live way under my means, increased income, now GMAC government loan mod offered coupons with small print stipulations. We work with bank of america for over 2years now. After the 3 months of paying for the trial, they denied me because of low income. You must continue making your Trial Period Plan payments until you receive a letter government loan mod and Modification Agreement from us — this may be longer than 3 months. I can’t get anyone real estate agent, lawyer or GMAC to give me straight talk. If the process last one year or more imagine how much money you will be able to save every month since when the process starts you don’t have to send any paym until your loan modification is done. Homeowners can lower their monthly mortgage payments and get into more stable loans at today's low rates. In my opinion, any loan modification should be based on an appraisal. And for those homeowners for whom homeownership is no longer affordable or desirable, the program can provide a way out that avoids foreclosure. Without your written authorization, we will not be able to discuss your home loan with them. The purpose of contacting you is to tell you we received your information, as well as let you know how the evaluation process works and how long it takes. They keep adding to the list when we call them back.
Loans From 850 To 10,000Anyway you might want to try getting help from HUD.org or HOPE …just google for their website. If you were denied home loan assistance, such as a request for a loan modification, short sale or deed in lieu you may be able to dispute the decision. Each time saying they need more.The people are rude,threatening and almost impossible to understand. You can expect to hear back from your Customer Relationship Manager within 10 business days from when we receive all your required documents. They are ruining America and the housing industry. If you are in foreclosure proceedings, or your home has been scheduled for a foreclosure sale, contact us if you have not done so already so we can discuss your available options. Then in 2010 I suffered a TIA at John Hopkins after a hernia operation. I have the same issue government loan mod with GMAC mortgage. At this time, these payments cannot be made at your local banking center. I signed and sent back the 2 pg with my flood ins policy and elevation certificate. In order to provide proof of residency and income, you’ll need to collect a set of the following documents for everyone listed on your home loan. I was advised that you were allowed up to 3 modifications for the life of the loan but BOA is ABSOLUTELY REFUSING to help. By working with us to successfully complete a short sale, you may qualify for financing for future credit sooner than if you do nothing and allow your house to go through a foreclosure. Chase is crooked and hasn’t helped anyone. Foreign currency from the post office is where to exchange currency available to order online, with free. We offer programs—such as the federal government's Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives program—that provide a streamlined approval process and financial incentives to help you with relocation. If we cannot find a modification option that works with your budget, you may need to consider options that involve leaving your house. I still have my job but we got behind on our bills due to the medical cost and then later that same year our daughter was diagnosed with MS and Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Now you can manage your credit card bank of america card wherever and whenever it suits you. Our loan modification was approved but we didn’t get a lower payment.
Buy A House With Bad CreditWe have been going round and round with Wells Fargo to get our modification. Increased medical bills in the thousands and medicine costing $1700 per month/ I applied and applied to Wells Fargo for assistance. Can somebody explain to me how working hard and paying your bills is now the wrong way. Now they tell me that it can’t be done. Can’t believe what has happened to our country. The mortgage broker refuses to give a loan modification and they said that they cannot sell my loan to another mortgage company. 
The executives of these banks and lenders should be in jail.
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The bank wont work with me so Im at the point of taking a FORGETITALL and walking.
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Modular home prices can vary depending custom modular homes upon the particular model, plan and.
Hey we’re in our 70′s on social security and because we went bankrupt don’t have enough bills to “qualify” for a hardship case. NO ONE is holding them accountable or enforcing the program. With the new Affordable Loan Refinace, anyone have any luck. I begged them to sent the modification for my signature. Bank of america who I thought bought mt oan from countrywide now tell me they are only my loan servicer, But the best part is they refuse to tell who actually owns my mortage. They took our money and gave it to these monsters.
As soon as I can fine another lenders Chase Bank can go to h*ll in a hand basket.
If the homeowner does not comply with all terms and conditions of the Short Sale Agreement, you will not receive the relocation assistance payment. Sign where necessary and return the information to us as soon as possible. Once you have received your packet, you will need to fill out the forms and collect your documents. Let a HUD-approved housing counselor help you understand your options, prepare your application, and work with your mortgage company.
Now that youve got a new monthly payment amount, its a good time to see how it fits in with your other financial obligations.
Bank of America is not responsible for and does not endorse, guarantee or monitor content, availability, viewpoints, products or services that are offered or expressed on other websites. If you successfully make your Trial Period Plan payments during the trial period, complete housing counseling if required and return any additional required documentation, you will be approved for a permanent modification of your loan. If your house is currently worth less than the amount remaining on your loan, you may be able to sell your house in a short sale. To file an escalated case, you or any third party representing you, such as a housing counselor or attorney, should send us a brief letter describing the specific reasons you believe one of the above scenarios applies to your loan or to your application for home loan assistance. I am trying to help a friend in Montana modify his mortgage all to no avail.
Smart Money Week
Just walk, the American dream is dead, our elected officials sold us out.
Chase ran me around for 11 months and I was “disqualified” but never saw a piece of paper saying so even after I requested it 3 times. The government’s goal for modifying your loan is to help you get a more affordable and sustainable monthly mortgage payment. I have applied twice for loan re modification but they denied both times.
The University Forum
What to you think they are going to do with all them. Save that money dont send it…after all you deserve a break for all the damage the banks caused to you. If you meet the minimum eligibility requirements, call us to request a Home Affordable Modification. I do mean both party’s we are nothing but cannon fodder to the banks.
Please help…Since getting my home loan, had to go on disability SSA & income half of what it was. Please be sure to submit photocopies of your documents—DO NOT send originals.
Its to me the big conspiracy that i am sure they all plotted before the billions were disbursed. If you are experiencing any of these situations, you will need to document your income and expenses and provide evidence of your financial hardship. The loan institutions and investors are saying let’s punish the homeowners with the new laws on the book.
