Second, find a friend that is a really good mechanic. Moving to Jacksonville and getting a different job close to school is definitely the way to go. If I were you, I’d let it circulate amongst friends 300 per mo. car loan and family that you are looking to purchase a car. Or should I bite the bullet and try for another car loan. Find another job in Jax as well (easier as it is a much bigger city) and save for an emergency fund.
Remember, the purchase price is only the beginning of what it will cost you to own the car. Denied credit due to low fico score our self help credit repair kit offers easy to. Balancing work and school is hard at the best of times but 300 per mo. car loan splitting them with an hour drive will make it worse. I did the whole work/school thing and it affected my grades in a major way.
It seems silly to keep a job so you can afford a car so you can drive to school and work. Since she will be driving an hour to school, she might want to take out the loan and go with something that wont break down on the side of the road. Make sure your mechanic takes a good look at the car before you buy. Find a job near school, get some room mates, take 4 courses instead of 5 so you can work more hours, find a better paying job. May here are resume examples for a variety of employment situations. As for the car, looking at imports is fine, until they start to break down. In college, I bought a car I couldn’t afford. Yeah, I’m going to echo the ‘move closer’ argument.
Todays Interest RatesUsing info from other posters, internet, etc, narrow your choices. The only things I’ll bring up are her rent and her job. That said, I can appreciate if there is an emotional component involved in staying put. Buy a used car, no loan, but plan on saving money for upkeep. This is equally as important as finding a good car because a good friend can help you do some of the maintenance and help keep the costs down. Doesn’t seem like she’s got much wiggle room unfortunately. I don’t need nice leather seats, automatic windows, cruise control, etc. This may be controversial advice here, but I’ll give it anyway. Be prepared to give up the job if it causes your grades to go down. She has plenty of time to do research on the makes and models that will offer the best value, so she should make a point of being as prepared as possible when it comes time to make the purchase. I know financing any car is a bad idea but the interest is low and tax deductible.
Letter Of CreditI lucked out and still live at home and Mom and Dad are pretty supportive. I normally would not recommend this but I had 300 per mo. car loan to do something similar in college myself. I went to college an hour away and commuted from home. I’m young and inexpierienced though so maybe I’m missing some details but here’s a break down of what a car really costs per month. Should I save up money throughout the summer and try to buy a car outright. But, the harder she works, the nicer of a car she’ll be able to afford for cash. Again, when finish doing so (after 1st year in college.) consider moving closer to college to save on travel costs. Yep, $400/quarter…you read it right. It was a cheap first car, but my Dad and I spent a lot of time and money to keep it running, and the thing went through a quart of oil a day. Getting a loan on top of that may get her the vehicle, but it would be really tight. Oct renting with bad credit history house buying, renting selling. Private party will get you the best deal. It sounds like you are working this job to pay off debts. I bought it for about half of blue book value because it was from a friend of a friend and she just wanted to get rid of her late husbands car. If smart money management were just about math or opening the highest interest savings account, this stuff would be easy. They spend it in small increments – an extra restaurant dinner ($25), a new pair of shoes ($30), and poof. If you are driving a lot I would consider a leasing contract so you can get out (with some penalties) if circumstances change. Use student loans to help finance a quality used car. I also agree it is more cost effective in the long run to not have a job that detracts from study. Don’t take this as criticism, I accept that there may be good other reasons for you not to move, but make sure you’ve considered the options. The only caveat that comes 300 per mo. car loan with this advice. 
I’m also in University and need to drive about 60km to school on a daily basis so I sort of understand this dilema. Living without a car has been tough, but I manage. I definitely agree with JD’s suggestion to look for extra income. Traveling by foot and bike hasn’t proven to be inadequate until recently, when I was accepted to the nearest university, about an hour away. I have to agree with those recommending a move closer to school so a car is not necessary. Most universities have excellent work study options, especially for grad students (I’m assuming you’re doing a graduate program because you mentioned 300 per mo. car loan the first car was purchased in college.) If your current living situation was cheaper (or if you made GREAT money), it MIGHT make sense to buy a car and commute.
Mobile Home Financing For Bad Credit Land OwnersWhether you are looking to sell or to buy a used car, yahoo. If you have exhausted all options and have to buy a car, you should buy a car outright. Check craigslist, there are always people moving and need to unload their assets. You’ll need to pay car insurance, and the bill might arrive once every 6 months. Sol in florida for an open account is hospital debt in florida years and a written contract years. European cars can be good choices as well but can be more expensive to maintain. READ MORE about ways to earn extra side income without quitting your job, or learn about small businesses you can start on the side. This online loan calculator works to calculate your monthly payments on a new or used car. Though I don’t think it’s a good idea for Alyssa to 300 per mo. car loan take out a car loan in this situation, her timeline is tight. You have too many of them, too far apart. Now that credit is tight, I would recommend against the loan since it will likely have an awful awful interest rate, if she can even get one, subprime loans are tougher to come by, especially at reputable places. Maybe not the best advice for someone who has already defaulted and is paying off other debt… but if you stick to subsidized loans and are diligent about paying off other debt and saving, that might help the financial situation (substituting low interest debt that doesn’t compound while you’re in school for high interest debt) and allow you to spend more time on your studies, which is really what’s important for future well-being. Really try to find more work over the summer, and also babysit or mow lawns or other positions you can do on the off hours. It’s tough and tiring at times but being a student wasn’t supposed to be easy. You could probably find a roommate or two in 300 per mo. car loan order to rent an apartment next to campus.
Rent To Own Car DealersI’d be willing to bet she could bring in that or even more in the college town and be able to find a place that would be about the same rent. In college I had a scholarship and the school actually had a cap on how many hours I could work, because of this kind of conflict. Since I’ve been piling extra money into paying off my debt, I haven’t saved much. I am sure the college can help with that. Yes I am paying for it now but I needed it for school and work. Don’t forget to set aside money each month to pay this bill. That’s a tough spot, because Alyssa will have essentially no room for error. If you own the car free and clear, you can go with liability only. Add up your university expenses (possibly include housing & food), something for a car and lost wages. Also… look into student loans if you haven’t already. In this case, I would suggest the advice is a little short sighted. It wasn’t much fun, but it did the trick. When you find a few cars you are interested in, take your firend and drive them around to get a feel for what your getting for your money. I needed to work two jobs the summer after grade 12 and the last half of first year and the summer and actually every year since I’ve had two jobs. People are often worried about the car buying process partly because they are unsure how much they should expect to pay monthly. It seems like she is trying to change the wrong variable. Without knowing the details of Alyssa’s course or job, I’m not making any assumptions. I agree with the others in saying move to Jax. An insurance bill of $300 every 6 months means you need to save $50 per month. I have a friend who had bad credit, and he got a car loan a few years ago (back when they were giving out credit like candy) and his interest rate was 15%, more than my credit card’s rate. Late 80′s American brands or 90′s Toyota’s or Honda’s are good choices. I’d recommend an older Nissan or Saturn. This calculator is a good tool that gives you a reasonable approximation of the predictable monthly repayment sum for any obtainable vehicle loan. 
You need to think about the total cost of the car over the number of years you’ll use it. If you’re dealing with an individual I would pay cash or see if you can work out a creative payment plan such as paying half up front, no payments for maybe 3 to 6 months, and then monthly payments after that of 10%+ of the original amount. I know that because I’m more educated, I can make the right decision. If you have time and cash, you should be able to negotiate for what you want. Here you can calculate how your retirement calendar savings is prepared for. A car loan with your previously repossessed car will make it tough for you to get a decent rate. Students and parents are literally stuck help for students whose parents have a bad credit rating uk between a rock and a hard place.
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Credit and Finance
Russ Wermers
University of Maryland
However, I’m going to throw this into the pot.
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Si lo que buscas es venta de carros en honduras, aqui te se.
You don’t have to make payments until you are out of school. I would look to relatives, family and friends to see if anyone has a cheap beater that they don’t use sitting in the driveway. I kept it for less than a year and traded it in for a new car. Often private sellers have better deals than lots, but be careful either way and either bring someone mechanical (if you aren’t yourself) who can take a look under the hood for you, or bring it to a trusted mechanic before buying. You will probably never have to work like that again (hopefully.), so you should be able to get through one summer. I know this is unpopular, but if it were possible (I don’t think that’s the case here) I would get a loan to get a newer, decent car.
Either stay where you’re at and take online courses, or move to where you want to go to school.
It had 130k miles on it when I bought it and 180k when I finally got rid of it, by driving it to the junk yard under its own power. But there are a variety of complex factors that come into play when we have to make financial decisions. Then start following up with the ads you see. My husband and I have gone 200,000+ trouble-free miles with several we’ve owned.
University is almost always more work than you think – both in terms of time and energy.
Is there a really, really compelling reason to stay in Fernandina Beach. Add in the 2 hours of drive time and I think you are probably spreading yourself very thin for things like homework and a life. Other people have brought up the added expense of gas, and when you crunch numbers, you are looking at an estimated $60/week in gas costs alone, assuming gas hovers at $3/gal. You can definitely do the same, and earn enough extra cash to purchase a used, cheap car outright, and not add to your debt (and stress) during school. Alyssa doesn’t say why she needs a car by August.
Smart Money Week
But you don’t have any real financial advantage – 70% of your income is going to expenses.
You’re already going to be really busy, and spending 2 hours in the car isn’t going to help your stress level. You can find a job that pays $10-15k, and be less stressed. Alternatively, maybe your parents will be willing to take out a $5000 loan and purchase a 5 year old Honda or Toyota or Hyundai compact car that will probably not cost you anything in maintenance for the next 5 years.
The University Forum
Assuming 2 hours of driving a day for 4 days a week will give at least 8 hours of unproductive time a week (or 35 or so a month) that should offset a lower paying job. Cars are generally financial liabilities, and any type of upkeep (new tires, mechanic costs, whatever) can easily spiral into a $1,000+ expense. There always seem to be group projects, extra labs etc that require your presence on campus. If you have to get a car I would suggest a toyota camry from the mid 90s.
Is there anything else you could do to supplement your income. Insurance alone costs more than $100/month, with that much driving (ie 2 hours) gas is going to be $100+ per month so a car payment of $100/ month is all that’s left.
Could you be eligible for any scholarships. You can definitely find a cheap reliable car on craigslist these days. Lots of them only require one or two campus visits, which could be done with a borrowed car.
